How to See How Many Times Something Is Googled?


If you’re looking into SEO and you want to make sure that your website’s doing its best, you’re going to want to attain as much information as possible. Learning what keywords are the most popular ones goes a long way in this regard – and finding out what is the most googled term can be key in fighting this never-ending battle. It’s important to understand that Google is the most popular search engine on the planet, so the numbers can update as you search. Mostly for business reasons, many people ask the question: how can I see how many times something was googled?

You can check out both annual and monthly searches of a keyword by signing up for Google Adword, but you can do the same if you’re already advertising with Google. Just find the keyword planner under your tools and settings and search for any term. You can even see the results during certain times.

In this article, we’ll be looking into how information about Google searches can help your business and how you can modify and work on your SEO accordingly. We’ll mostly be learning how to attain this information and develop a complete picture of the internet’s most popular keywords. Today, we’ll be answering questions like how to see how many times something is googled, how can Google Trends help, how can SEO tools help and how can Google Search Console help. Let’s get right into it!

How to See How Many Times Something is Googled?

The best way to do this, assuming you already have Google Ads enabled, is to go to ‘Tools & Settings’ and find the ‘Keyword Planner’. Click on the box called ‘Discover New Keywords’ and enter a new term. You’ll get the results and you can look them over.

You can use this basic form of filtering to refine your keyword assertion, audience, and budget.

A keyword may have a great search result nationally, or even worldwide, but if you own a business – you want to limit the search to your area and area designated for your business. You should use quality keywords before keywords that are great in quantity. Words that are relevant to your business are much more effective than words that just show up a lot.

Keywords paint us a more clear picture of who the users are and what they aim to do, what they want, etc. – that allows us to meet their needs better. They can also provide a clear target to which marketers are supposed to aim their content.

Keywords are essentially clues that show us what do the clients want. By knowing this, you can adjust your business’s operations to their needs, becoming more popular as a business, and making more money. Conducting keyword research can be a dissection of the market, showing you everything you need to do in order to adapt to it.

You need to compile a list of keywords you need to aim at your market and keep researching and looking into their popularity.

How Can Google Trends Help?

This feature can show how frequently a given search term is entered into Google’s search engine relative to the site’s total search volume over a given period of time. This means that it can be used brilliantly for comparative purposes, as the numbers given by the tool are relative. It’s best to use this tool when comparing your business with something similar, or a similar industry.

You can use Google Trends to find a new niche. This is great because you can set the search terms to focus on the last few months, and this way you can find a niche that’s just started gaining popularity and you still have time to establish yourself in that area.

You can use this tool to compare your business with similar industries, as we’ve already said, and search for relevant products in related topics. If your niche is gaming, for example, you can find related searches with gaming equipment, etc.

You can find seasonal trends and promote your business by manipulating the market. You can research exactly when, during a season, are specific terms searched, and based on that you can adjust your current offers and deals.

Content freshness is another important part of this – you’ll always want to keep up with the competition when it comes to fresh content. You don’t want to be the only business still focusing on something that was deemed unimportant years ago.

Keeping up with the current trends will allow you to create content that’s based on them. Finding buzzing stories will help you jump the shark before the competition even gets close to it, and you’ll happen to see noticeable rises in clicks.

You’ll also be able to monitor the competition and see what they’re up to. It’s important to know what your direct competition is thinking of, so you can adjust your deals accordingly.

Lastly, you can use this tool to help you develop shopping ads at the right time. You’ll explore the market and determine the best months for your ads. Ads are, after all, paid for, so it makes no sense to spend money on them at the wrong time. The basics of marketing can be picked up by anyone, and you should try your best to use this tool wisely.

How Can SEO Tools Help?

SEO can give a numerical approximation, but those numbers are mostly incorrect. Using Google Ads’ tool for exploring keywords is still without a doubt the most effective way of determining what keywords are the most popular ones at the time.

With SEO, you’ll want to expand on your keywords by looking for new keyword groups, synonyms, common modifiers, and long-tail permutations.

Once you’ve defined keyword popularity, you should add that knowledge to what you already have (your website), and change your content accordingly. URLs are rarely changed, but they’re highly visible as people pay a lot of attention to them, and they describe an entire page, and Google even does put some value to what they say.

Search engines naturally give more attention and assign more importance to websites with more activity. Making changes on your website periodically will cause search engines to index it higher and define it more importantly.

Add relevant keywords to media like images and videos. Even though the name itself won’t show to viewers – Google will definitely see it and it will relate that keyword to searched keywords.

Don’t over-optimize your website. This can be a common mistake among people who look to make their website optimized for search engines, but stuffing it with keywords just because you’re desperate for views isn’t going to work. Search engines know how to recognize this and they’re going to automatically ignore your website if it ever comes to this.

How Can Google Search Console Help?

You can do many things with Google’s Search Console to help your keyword numbers and your website’s popularity.

You can find out what keywords your site ranks for, see how users are interacting with your results, find out where your pages are ranking for specific keywords, see how many pages of your site are in Google’s index, you can submit a page for indexing, identify crawl errors and unindexable pages, submit a sitemap, make sure that you pages are working on mobile phones, see what other sites have linked to your site, and lastly – see if your site has any penalties.

Google’s Search Console is actually deemed very useful by market experts, as it can provide invaluable information about keywords. However, if you’re looking for more information on your visitors, their exact number, and where they’re coming from, you should concentrate more on Google Analytics, a tool developed for this specific purpose in mind.

There’s no doubt that knowing the competition and the environment of the internet surrounding your business will have a massive effect on your business. There are many tools that you can use to analyze information and develop a more informed opinion on your website’s popularity. It’s essential that you have the right information at hand when you’re making vital changes to your site.

Another tool we haven’t gone in the deep with is Google Analytics, which is a sort of an unsung hero when it comes to statistics. Marketing, as far as it may be abstract to a lot of people, can be thoroughly analyzed when it’s brought down to numbers.


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