Your Idle Google TV Could Soon Become a News Hub, According to Rumor

Your Idle Google TV Could Soon Become a News Hub, According to Rumor

Google TV has been experimenting with a new feature called News Briefs. This feature displays summaries of top news stories, and Google is now testing the idea of adding it to Ambient Mode. The change seems optional, as there’s likely a setting to turn it off if preferred.

This feature is still in its early stages, but based on new updates, it appears Google plans to include news headlines in Ambient Mode.

The news will be AI-generated, and some text strings from the recent Google TV Ambient Mode app update suggest that users can toggle the feature on and off. It seems users will even get a chance to listen to these news briefs if they choose to.

Though the option to disable it is likely, the effectiveness of this setting still remains unclear. Some users may enjoy the idea of seeing live news on their screens, but others may not appreciate the shift away from AI-generated wallpapers. It’s safe to say that this move could be a bit controversial.

This feature, as we’ve said, is still in development and while the feature is still experimental, it could soon be available to a wider audience. As with most early features, there is a chance it could be scrapped or changed before making it to the public.

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