Search Amazon Reviews: Here’s How To Do It


Amazon is today one of the top online marketplaces, but with a large database of sellers, it is hard to find out which product is right for you, how to fix a problem with your product, or whether the product is useful at all. However, Amazon’s review feature has been of great benefit to customers over the years and it can definitely be of benefit to you! Here is how to search Amazon reviews.

You can search Amazon reviews by selecting “See all reviews” under a product, then entering a keyword specific to your issue in the review search bar. You will also have filtered options in order to refine your search, such as, whether you would like a verified amazon review or whether you would like to search based on the number of stars the product has received.

I will explain to you the importance of Amazon reviews as well as guide you on how to search for specific and general ones. I will also show you different ways you can find reviewers and follow them so that you can keep up to date with their reviews on products of your interest.

The Importance Of Amazon Reviews

Amazon reviews are important because it is the modern-day word-of-mouth for online shopping. Yes, company advertising is great because it shows the benefits of purchasing a product. However, between a company boasting a product’s quality, and a real-live customer exposing its shortcomings, I think we can all agree that we are more inclined to believe the customer’s first-hand experience.

I used to be the person that got caught in the trap of putting my entire trust in the product information. One instance I still remember is this beautiful charcoal handbag that had decorative tassels and mini purses tucked inside. I was enamored. 

Had I paid attention to the various reviews warning me not to purchase because the material was not durable, I’m sure I would have taken a step back and re-evaluate my choices. Since then, right after reading about the product’s information, my next step is always scanning reviews. The person to trust is the one that has been down the road before you.

Reviews also explain how to best use a product. Sometimes the company or seller is not very clear about how to use or assemble their product. It can get quite frustrating trying to figure it out yourself. 

Reviews however have helped many, as you often find people that experience the same problems and can guide you through the process. Have you somehow managed to assemble an entire bicycle without using any of the screws provided? Read the reviews.

Can You Search Reviews On Amazon?

How about if you’re looking for a specific review? It is true that sometimes products have an overwhelming amount of reviews that it becomes difficult searching for the type that you are looking for. Luckily, you are able to cipher through reviews to find the ones that are relevant to your issue or question.

You can search through reviews for best seller’s options and you can search based on the number of stars that products have received. You can also search using keywords that pertain to your product.

Your search for amazon reviews depends on what stage of the search you are at. It depends on whether you are searching through reviews for a general type of product or if you’re searching for reviews in a specific seller’s product.

I normally end up searching for the specific product I would like more information on first. Then I’ll scroll and search through those reviews. I will guide you through all the ways you search through Amazon reviews. 

How To Search Amazon Reviews?

I will create a scenario to help us to better understand how to search for reviews in different ways. We would like a computer chair for our new home office. Specifically, I would like a chair that swivels and has armrests.

Searching For Product Through Average Search Reviews

I know that I want a computer chair, but I am not entirely certain of what specific chair I want. I want a great quality that people who have purchased before seem to be satisfied with.

First, I will go to my search bar in Amazon and select “computer chair”. Once you have entered this, scroll down while scanning through the sidebar. You will see the term “Avg. Customer Review” where you can search based on the average number of stars the chair has received. 

If I click on the one that depicts an average of four stars.

The results will filter to show ones that have been satisfactory on average. Afterward, at the top right of your search, you will see a filter bar where you will select “Sort by: Avg. Customer Review.” You will see chairs that have received the most reviews first.  

Finding Reviews For A Specific Product Using Keywords

You can find specific types of reviews for a particular product. You do this by using keywords. Let us say I am unable to get my computer chair to swivel but the product information said it could. 

If you are unable to find troubleshooting from the company’s or seller’s website, then searching through Amazon Reviews is your next best option. If I specifically wanted reviews about how to get my “Oscars Computer Chair” to swivel I would first head to Amazon, type in the name of the product, then select the product I initially bought.

Scroll down until you get to the reviews section. Amazon will have some predefined keywords that you can use to search for the kinds of topics you are looking for. If you saw “swivel” among these, I would choose it.

 At the top of these keywords, you will also see where some reviewers have added pictures and videos of the product. These can be especially useful if you haven’t bought the product as yet but would love a visual.

If you have not found your keyword among the pre-described list, you will continue scrolling until I see the option to “See all reviews”. Once you have clicked it, you will scroll until you see a search bar on the left that reads, “Search customer reviews”. This is where you will enter your keyword. Select search so that reviews relating to your keyword appear.

There are times where products get so heavily reviewed that even using keywords won’t filter your search enough. This is why Amazon has further filter options for you. Below the search bar, there are different options to select in order to filter.

For instance, if I would like to ensure that the review that I am reading is coming from a legitimate buyer I can select the filter option that says “All reviewers” and change it to “Verified purchases only”. There are also filter options where you look at reviews with a preferred number of stars and with the same variation of the product you purchased. You can even define whether you want to look at reviews with text, image video, or image and video reviews only.

How Do I Find A Specific Reviewer On Amazon?

You can find a specific reviewer by visiting the Amazon Top Customer Reviewers List. You can scroll through this list to search for your preferred review. As the process is tedious to have to scroll through and find your reviewer each time, Amazon Follows is a good feature to use, we will talk more about it below.

How To Follow A Reviewer On Amazon?

If the computer chair review you found was insightful and helpful you may want to keep that reviewer on hand in case, you buy a similar item. You can click on that reviewer’s name to see their profile. Once you have a completed profile yourself, you will be able to follow this reviewer.

Another way to follow a reviewer on Amazon is by searching for them through the Amazon Top Reviewers list and selecting the reviewer’s name. You will be brought to their profile page where you will see a “Follow” button.

You will not be able to follow their profile without an account. You will also be able to see a list of the products that the individual has reviewed.

The more popular reviewers tend to have contact information attached to their profiles. If there is a product you would like further information on, then you can get in touch.


Amazon Reviews is an effective way to get authentic feedback on products that are similar to the ones you have purchased or intend to purchase. With an Amazon account, you can also keep posted on your favorite reviewers. When you use this feature you can give yourself peace of mind that you have significantly reduced the risk of having a useless or damaged product delivered to your door. 
