Rumors Claim ‘Resident Evil 9’ Is Going to be an Ambitious Reinvention of the Franchise

Rumors Claim 'Resident Evil 9' Is Going to be an Ambitious Reinvention of the Franchise

Resident Evil is one of the most famous and lucrative video game franchises of all time. This popular survival horror series has been around since 1996 and so far, numerous titles have been released, including several successful remakes.

The amazing success of the Resident Evil 4 remake, which came out in 2023, immediately sparked interest for more titles and it seems that Capcom is aiming much higher with Resident Evil 9, the next game in the series.


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As of the time of writing, all we have is rumors, so we advise you to take everything that’s written here with a grain of salt until further notice. Rumors tend to be fake or things simply tend to change from time to time, so until we have come official information from Capcom, take it with a grain of salt.

As it seems, Capcom wants to reinvent the franchise in the next game. It is not clear what that means, but it seems that they are aiming for a higher production quality, which is something that the fans will enjoy.

It also seems that Leon Kennedy is going to be the central character, which is also a fact that a lot of fans will be happy about.

Be that as it may, it seems that 2025 is going to be filled with information about the next Resident Evil game, which is amazing!

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