How To Remove Wix Banner Ad And Favicon? Simple Step By Step Guide


In the digital world, online advertising plays a crucial role, therefore banner ads are quite frequent on websites. However, these ads can be annoying and some web developers or clients do not want them on their websites. How can you remove a Wix banner ad and use your own favicon? 

To remove the Wix banner ad and use your own favicon you will need to make an upgrade to a Premium plan. The Premium plan by Wix includes features such as Combo and Unlimited, and they help you remove the banner ads. This is the safest way for getting rid of ads that harm the site’s performance.  

In this article, I will give you the guidelines of how you can safely remove the Wix banner ads using your own favicon. I will explain what is the safest way to do that, and why the free alternatives might not be a good option. 

Why Does Wix Have Banner Ads And Favicon?

In the digital world, ads have become a really important element of websites. They are considered as one of the best marketing strategies nowadays. Banner ads play the most significant role in advertising since they are appealing, and they can attract the readers to click and check them out. 

However, to persuade the reader to click on the ad, the banner should include a great image, a promotion, or be quite informative. Everything else might be annoying, and it can even force the reader to leave the current website. Some people avoid sites with a lot of banner ads since they find them irritating and distracting. 

Banner ads are digital displays that are positioned at prominent locations, and they serve to promote businesses. They are used as a tool to promote sales and promotions, but also to drive traffic to websites. Banner ads help businesses to determine what people are interested in, so they can focus more on their preferences. 

As I already mentioned, even though banner ads are great tools to promote businesses, people tend to resent them. However, when it comes to Wix, the case with banner ads and favicon is slightly different. Unlike other page builders, Wix allows you to create banner ads in an appealing and enticing way. 

Wix offers you the tool to create exciting and funny types of advertising that might not be annoying to people. What is more, they will not hurt the look of your website, therefore it will make it more playful and interactive. 

In other words, Wix has given the opportunity to its users to make promotional materials more creative by giving them the chance to build banner ads by their own choice. Therefore, there are multiple types of banner ads, so users can choose what suits them best. 

Banner ads can be static or dynamic, and they can include the exact specifications given by the ad provider. Static banner ads usually consist of one image uploaded in a particular file form, while dynamic banner ads are prone to adjusting to the website’s style. They can include logos, images, or videos, and they are size-adjustable according to the needs of the site. 

Even though banner ads can be beneficial to websites, some people want to get rid of them, since they do not find them appropriate for their site. No matter what your reasons is for removing the banner ads and favicon, you should know that there is an easy way to do that. 

Below, I have listed a guide that will help you get rid of the Wix banner ads in a safe manner, and remove the ads from your website for as long as you need. 

How To Remove Wix Banner Ad And Favicon? 

When it comes to removing Wix banner ads and favicon, it is essential to know that the safest way to do that is by upgrading to a Wix Premium plan. This way you can be sure that your banner ads and favicon are going to be removed without making any additional changes to your website. Sometimes changes that are made outside the web builder might cause some issues with your site’s performance, therefore it is better to stick with the recommended solutions. 

Steps To Remove Wix Banner Ad And Favicon

The steps to remove Wix banner ads and favicon safely are easy and there are only a few of them to follow. If they do not provide the solution that you are looking for, you can always get in touch with the support team and seek help. However, in most cases, the guidelines listed below work successfully and you will not need to look for additional solutions. 

  1. Upgrade To Premium Plan 

Once you start working with Wix, you will see that your free website includes banner ads at the top and a favicon in your browser tab. To remove the banner ad and use your own favicon you will need to upgrade to a Premium plan. There are several plans from which you can choose, so you should see what fits best for you. 

Each of the Premium packages includes removing banner ads and favicon, so the difference is in other features. Therefore, before making the purchase you should decide what you really need. 

Once you decide on your purchase, these are the steps you need to take:

  1. You should sign in to your Wix account. 
  2. You should hover over the particular site that you want to upgrade and click ‘Select and Edit Site’.   
  3. At the bottom left click ‘Upgrade’. 
  4. Then, you should choose whether you want a Website or a Business & eCommerce plan. 
  5. You should click ‘Select’ on the wanted plan. 
  6. Select the subscription period and choose ‘Continue to Checkout’. 
  7. Once you enter your bank payment details click ‘Submit Purchase’. 

Besides removing banner ads and favicons, the Premium packages offer you a lot of features that you might find useful in creating websites. Such features allow you to connect your domain, get more storage, enjoy Premium support, etc. 

  1. Clear Your Browser’s Cache 

Once you obtain your Premium plan, you will be able to disable the banner ads and favicons. However, if that does not happen, you will need to check your browser’s cache. 

Your browser is designed to cache data about each site you visit to speed up its performance and loading process. Sometimes, the online data can differ from the data that your browser has cached, therefore you would need to clear it. This should be done periodically or whenever you experience some website issues. 

This is the way you can do that: 

  1. Close all browser windows and tabs. 
  2. Open a new tab and make sure that is not open on any windows. 
  3. Press CTRL + Shift + Del, or Cmd + Shift + Delete if you are using Mac, and click for the browser-specific instructions. 
  4. Then you should select which data you would like cached and click ‘Clear data’. 

If you have done the following, but Wix banner ads are still appearing on your website, then you should contact the Wix support team. You would need to submit a ticket with your Wix username, email, and explanation of the issue. Shortly, the Wix team will get in touch with you and address your problem. 

Is There A Free Way To Remove Wix Banner Ad And Favicon?

There is no absolute free way to remove Wix banner ads and favicon, but there are alternatives that allow you to do that in a cheaper way. 

Wix Ads Removal offers you the removal of Wix banner ads for a lifetime for $15. This service has been discussed and debated a lot, especially on Reddit, and it is proven to work. They also give you the chance once you test your website for ad removal. 

It is a good deal since you only pay once and your banner ads will be removed forever. You will save a lot of money and there will be no harm done to the website because it will continue to work the same way as before. 

The service is mobile-friendly and allows editing on your website the same way as before. Furthermore, Wix Ads Removal provides a guarantee of 3 years and 90 days of free support. The support team will be at your disposal for any questions you may have related to your website. 

This service is highly recommended, but this way you do not get any other features as with the Wix Premium plan. Therefore, you would have to make a decision based on your needs and think about whether the Premium features would be beneficial to you. 

As you could see, there is a really easy way to remove Wix banner ads and favicon from your website. Even though ads are nowadays considered as one of the best tools for marketing strategies, sometimes they do not belong on your website. So, you can remove them for an amount of money which you consider reasonable. 


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