How Long Does It Take to Write 1000 Words?

Writing is no easy feat, be it general writing, scientific, writing articles, blog posts, or essays – it needs to be thought through and stylized. A lot of content nowadays needed on the internet have certain requirements, including length. It’s normal that a lot of writers wonder how long they’ll need to write a certain article, as they’re always looking not to waste any time. With the help of online writing services such as, writers can get professional help with their writing projects and save time. Since the length of a generally accepted article or post is between 1000 and 1500 words – today we’ll be looking into how long does it take to write 1000 words?
Writing 1000 words will usually take about 25 minutes (for the average writer using a keyboard, with a solid flow of thought, with little research), and about 50 minutes when writing by hand. The numbers vary with every writer, as we’re not all equally quick, and we don’t all conduct research.
This way writers can often gauge how much will it take for them to write a text, and they can manage their time better. However, there are vast differences between different kinds of writing, and whether or not the research was included will affect your writing dramatically. In this article, we’ll be learning how long does it take to write 1000 words in general writing, blog posts, essays, all with and without research, and to how many pages do 1000 words amount to.
How Long Does It Take To Write 1000 Words (General Writing)?
General writing is a form that doesn’t necessarily follow any genre-specific rules. For example, an essay is a scientific form of argumentative writing, limited by a set of specific rules, created in order to keep it genre-specific. General writing is usually much more free than other writing forms, meaning that the writer will typically write in their own style, and 1000 words shouldn’t take longer than the regular 25 minutes. This is also the easiest form of writing, as it’s just transferring the writer’s flow of thought to paper. Time shouldn’t present an issue to a writer in this form of writing, as it’s largely irrelevant, the only thing the writer should care about is the quality of their writing. Since this is a free form of writing, it requires the least effort and it’s the quickest.
How Long Does It Take To Write 1000 Words (Blog Post)?
Just like the most important rule of real estate is: location, location, location – the most important rule of blog posting is: style, style, style! Blogs are based largely on entertainment, which means that the authors are always aiming at pleasing the public. In order to achieve that, they have to spend a lot of time rereading and editing their writing, ensuring that the style is as good, modern, and entertaining as it can get. On top of that, blog writers actually need to fact-check their information, as serving wrong information to readers is wildly unprofessional.
These are the reasons that make writing blog posts, even if the writer is well-acquainted with the topic at hand, a bit slower than general writing. These posts need to be accessible and easy to read for the general public, which means that there’s no need for the writer to over-complicate them. The writer will usually put a lot of focus on style, and try their best to keep it as likable as it can be.
The writers need to reread the writing after having finished it, just to make sure that they haven’t made any mistakes or stated something wrong.
Writing 100 words in this way will take a bit longer than 25 minutes, and will definitely take longer than 50 minutes if you’re writing by hand.
How Long Does It Take To Write 1000 Words (Blog Post – Research Included)?
Any research is an issue when it comes to writing because it takes too much time. However, it is an instrumental part of any writing, since it guarantees the factualness of the writing. Nowadays, there are so many sources on any topic, that writers have actual problems filtering through all the data in order to get to the detail they need. This, obviously, takes a large chunk from their schedule, and that’s why writing with research can sometimes even double the normal writing time. The writer always needs to translate the research into the language that they’re writing in, and they need to properly incorporate it into the writing. Finally, it’s crucial to quote it, as that way the writer gives credibility to their own writing by relying on someone else’s research.
How Long Does It Take To Write 1000 Words (Essay)?
Essays can sometimes present a problem to writers, especially ones that enjoy free writing, as they’re scientific forms of argumentative writing – which means that there’s a very specific set of rules that needs to be followed in order to write a good essay. This form of writing requires much less stylization in order to keep its professionality, which means that writers have to actively hold back from being too stylish in their writing – the form insists on sticking to the point of the essay. This ensures a professional tone and the reader will remain aware that they’re reading an argumentative form of writing about a relevant topic.
On the other hand, despite some writers dodging this kind of work, there are a lot of writers who enjoy this kind of writing more than stylized writing. This means that there are both writers who will write quicker when they’re writing in this strict form of writing, and writers who will write quicker when they’re doing a stylized piece of writing.
It’s important to correct any mistakes that might happen, as it’s crucial that this form of writing keeps its professionality and strictness.
How Long Does It Take To Write 1000 Words (Essay – Research Included)?
Researching for essays is much different from researching for blogs. The reason for this is that essays are professional, academic writing, meaning that they have to be able to hold their own in the academic waters. Research is crucial for this, as the writers can spend a lot of time researching a specific article on a deeply specific topic. Whatever the writer may be basing their essay on, it has got to be citable, as it’s what’s going to hold credibility of the writing. Citing is legally required, as not citing is considered breaking the law as plagiarism.
It’s odd to find essays with very little to no research because the properly cited research is what gives the essay its legitimacy. This only happens when the writer is already an expert or just a person of experience in the field of writing. This so happens when an expert is writing an article or an essay with close relevance to their field, or when high school students write essay exams.
Writing an essay with research will usually take much longer than 25 minutes, as research is crucial to any essay, and you shouldn’t be shocked if it takes as long as an hour.
How Many Pages Is 1000 Words?
Since different sizes of the font will amount to completely different page sizes, it’s important to note that we’ll be basing this off standardized sizes. Size 20 and size 12 are usually used for completely different purposes, as font 20 is almost never used for writing an essay. 1000 words in size 12 (used for most books) will usually take up a bit less than two pages in Microsoft Word, but line spacing has to be taken into account (this is observed when line spacing is set to 1.08).
Size 14 is usually used in blogs and it makes the 1000 word text cover the two pages completely.
Great differences have to be noticed when talking about different kinds of writing, as some forms require deep research, while others require none. Also, the process of typing is different for every individual, and there is no true rule as to how fast should a person type. Although a lot of writers evade research since a lot of them find it unnecessary, a great portion of writing is considered to be unfounded when proper research isn’t cited, and the writing deserves little credit.