Google AdSense Valuable Inventory No Content: How to Solve It?

Google AdSense Valuable Inventory No Content

Nowadays ads are everywhere on the Internet. It’s a new way for companies to promote their products, but also for website owners to earn money. Most people who try and make a website where they plan on displaying ads get a “Valuable Inventory: No Content” error. What is a “Valuable Inventory: No Content” error and how to solve it?

AdSense can see that you don’t have enough content or that it isn’t relevant enough to display ads on your website. Your content could also have little to no value. You can fix this by building traffic on your website, creating better content, and making sure you’re not breaching Google Publisher Policies. 

Unfortunately, not everyone will be interested in a theme that you’ve chosen for your website. Most advertisers are interested in fashion, news, sports, business, and so on. Keep reading to find out why you got the “Valuable Inventory: No content” error and how to fix it. 

What is AdSense Valuable Inventory: No Content?

Google AdSense Valuable Inventory No Content

“Valuable Inventory: No content” is an error that shows up when you’re trying to get your website approved by AdSense but you do not have enough content, or the content isn’t relevant enough for you to display ads.  

There are a few reasons why you might get this error. 

The first reason is that your content has little to no value or isn’t relevant to the advertisers. If you’re blogging about Biology, there is a big chance that you will get rejected because advertisers won’t be interested in displaying ads on such blogs. They are interested in displaying ads on websites that write about technology, news, fashion, how to, traveling, sports, education, marketing, and so on. 

The second reason why you might get this error message is that there isn’t enough content on your website. This means that there aren’t enough posts and articles on your website. 

The third reason why you got this message is that you don’t have a lot of text on your website. This happens when your website is mostly made out of images and videos. 

The fourth reason is that there are some important pages missing, such as About Us, Contact Us, Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, and so on. 

Some other reasons could be that your blogging traffic is poor, that your content isn’t original which means that you’ve copied it, that the theme of your webpage isn’t good for displaying ads, and that you are breaking Google Publisher Policies. 

How to solve AdSense Valuable Inventory: No Content?

There are some things you can do to improve your website and get it approved by AdSense. Here are some most common ways you can improve your website. 

Start by creating content that advertisers would be interested in. You want your content to add value to them. As already mentioned, advertisers prefer websites that talk about technology, fashion, news, business, sports, and so on. You might not be interested in one of these fields, however, it might be better that you focus on them if you want your website to have a lot of traffic and become approved. 

Make sure your website is filled with quality content. There should always be more textual content than images, videos, and flash. Make sure you organize your content in a logical order, no one likes looking at a website that is a mess. You should follow the SEO guidelines when you’re writing the content. 

Make sure you have posted at least 20 quality articles on your website and that they are indexed on Google before you try to apply for Google AdSense. It would be a good idea to use Google search to check whether or not they have been indexed. 

Never breach Google Publisher Policies. This means that you can’t post illegal content, stolen content, content that promotes the sale of endangered animals, dangerous content, etc.

Make sure you create important pages, such as Disclaimer, About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, and so on. 

When you first create your website, you won’t get any traffic from Google searches. This is why you have to create pages and accounts of your website on popular social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others. This will help you to share your blog and engage your audience. You should have at least 50 views on your website every day in order to get your website approved.

You should be consistent in posting content to your website. You should post at least one or two articles a day. You are more likely to get approved if you post consistently because Google doesn’t encourage blogs that are inconsistent. 

Keywords are very important. Make sure you research how to find the right keywords for your articles and your blog to attract the audience. 

It would be good if you used AdSense Ready themes for your website because they are responsive and professional. It can happen that AdSense rejects websites with a bad layout and design because they aren’t good for displaying ads.  

Make sure you take your time preparing your blog. Research about SEO, affiliate marketing, Research on keywords, Google analytics. Take time to find the best keywords for your website. If you do this, you will have a higher chance of bringing traffic to your website. Wait for your blog to bring traffic and then apply for affiliate programs as a way to earn money. 


  • Tristan

    Tristan has a strong interest in the intersection of artificial intelligence and creative expression. He has a background in computer science, and he enjoys exploring the ways in which AI can enhance and augment human creativity. In his writing, he often delves into the ways in which AI is being used to generate original works of fiction and poetry, as well as to analyze and understand patterns in existing texts.